During the Google For India event, company CEO Sundar Pichai stated that the upcoming Asus Chromebit will be launched in India in January, with a price tag of Rs 7,999 respectively. In terms of specifications, the device is powered by Rockchip’s RK3288 quad-core processor which is paired with 2GB RAM and comes equipped with 16GB internal storage.
Google describes the device as being smaller than a candy bar, which transforms into a full computer. By simply plugging this device into any display, you can turn it into a computer. It’s the perfect upgrade for an existing desktop and will be really useful for schools and businesses. So whether you’re looking for a smaller Chrome device that packs a big punch or a laptop that can do back bends, there’s a Chromebook for you…and for everyone else, too.”
In other features, the Chromebit includes an HDMI port which can be used to connect the device to an external display along with a USB port which can be used to power and connect peripherals like a keyboard or a mouse, added the report. It also supports Bluetooth 4.0, a Smart Ready controller and an ARM Mali 760 quad-core GPU. It will be available in either silver, blue or orange variants.
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